If there is something that I can always count on, it is that my boy, Johnny, will always take what I say very literally. Let me explain: A few weeks ago John told be about a little savings/spending/tithing bank that he had while he was growing up. I decided that it was a great idea, but instead of trying to find some to buy, I decided that I could make some banks for my kids with three empty aluminum cans (pictures to come soon). I just took three cans, hot glued them together and labeled them. As I was trying to explain to Johnny how he would put 10% of his money into the tithing can, 10% into the savings can and the rest into his spending can, he asked me why he needed a savings can. I answered that it is always good to save for a rainy day.
Well... it rained yesterday. Johnny, not one to let a good opportunity pass him by, decided that it was time to head down the street to buy some sillybands from our neighbors who were having a mini garage sale. I had to laugh when he showed me his arm full of sillybands and very matter-of-factly said, "Well, it did rain today."
The whole bank idea must be working because when I asked Hannah if she would like to go down the street to see what they had to sell, she just said "No, I don't have any money." Good girl Hannah!