I haven't posted for so long that I almost forgot how to post. Time goes by so quickly that I forget to record the things that matter. I guess I could just keep my calendars for posterity and they could see how our days are filled up with doctor's appointments and church and school activities. We have all taken turns being under the weather these last few weeks, but I think that we are coming upon the light at the end of the tunnel.
I promise, no, I shouldn't promise--I never want to go this long without recording the happenings in our home ever again. So here is a quick Wrap up of what we have been up to for the past month.
Christmas was a ton of fun at our house. Instead of using the same socks every year for Santa, we all get fun Christmas socks to hang on our "clothes-line." John doesn't get fun Christmas socks though, I jump on every opportunity to buy him real work socks, it is amazing how quickly his steel toed work shoes wear holes in his socks--plus I wouldn't want him to get beat up at work. Our Christmas socks from left to right:
John, Cheryl, Johnny, Hannah, Lucy, Grandma Dorothy and Madeline.

I am a little embaressed to post this next picture because I can't believe I allowed it. John, Hannah and Johnny conspired to do a winter campout a few weeks ago. They set the tent up in our back yard and filled it with every spare blanket and sleeping bag we had in the house. They invited me to come out too, but I just replied "umm--no!" Luckily I had two little girls inside as another really good excuse. After lecturing John that he'd better not let our children freeze to death, they all headed outside for the night. Johnny and Hannah had a blast, and a very restful sleep, John was a little cold. Much to my relief everybody woke up the next morning, that's all I was hoping for.

My mom gave us a cookbook with a lot of "old time" recipes for Christmas this year. It is a recipe book from a little pioneer community near my home town. It includes a recipe on how to bottle rootbeer, the kind that is carbonated with yeast--haven't tried that one yet--sounds dangerous. We did experiment with homemade candy-canes though. They kind of flopped, but Hannah was able to stay up late with me so that we could make them together. She thought that they, and I, were the coolest things ever. I love these times alone with her.

John celebrated his 33rd birthday on the 15th of December. I can't believe that we are both in our thirties now. A week before his birthday we were able to have a little overnight getaway to celebrate. Thanks again Vera, our kids love spending time with you. They always come back very exhausted and happy. John and I did a little bit of shopping, eating and sightseeing downtown. We also went to the movie Twilight. We were going to see something else, but we accidently mixed up the times. John was a little hesitant to watch a chick flick, but he actually really liked it (don't tell the guys ;)

Johnny and Maddie and I built our first snowman of the season last month. It was sure cute, that is until Johnny had to check to see how structurally sound it was. Don't you love Maddie's snow suit. Got to love the deals at Kid-to-Kid. I think I had a snowsuit like that when I was little, but it wasn't quite so late 80's. Mine was more of a 70's style. I will try to find a picture of it and post it later.

Well, that wraps up 2008. What a fun year!