Monday, June 7, 2010

Boys will be boys

Flooding the sandbox is a tradition that has been handed down from father to son in our family. John has told me about his summers spent in his sandbox making irrigation canals and reservoirs, and seeing Johnny do the same makes him feel a little sentimental. He was having the time of his life on Wednesday. Nothing attracts little boys like sloppy sand and mud, so our neighbor's four boys came over to play. Unfortunately they weren't wearing their swimming gear like Johnny was, so their mom was less than happy about the end result. I felt awful about that and apologized, I hope she doesn't feel like we are a bad influence.


WDL 5 said...

Oh, water and mud. What can it hurt? But memories are priceless!

Val said...

Wow I have memories of making huge mud holes and having the neighbor kids get in trouble for playing in them. That must be a Loveless thing too.

Leslie Moseley said...

We didn't have a sand box but James dug in the dirt and certainly got muddy and yes, the neighbor boys got in on the action. They cleaned up just fine.