Saturday, June 12, 2010

Memorial Day

As I was looking at our pictures of the past few weeks, I realized that I never recorded the special experience that we had on Memorial Day. We spent the day doing projects at home until around 3:00, then we took our homemade flowers to place on John's Dad's grave. We were able to use the time to tell our children stories of the Grandpas that they have never met. We all felt a witness of the spirit as John and I reminded them that someday they will be able to meet them and be with them forever. What a wonderful reunion that will be for all of us.

My dad (and mom and 8 of the 11 children)

John's dad (and mom and 7 of the 8 children)

1 comment:

Hansen family said...

Wow, neat to see those pictures of your families. Both grandpas look like amazing men. Being a mom now, I stand in awe of your mother's strength and stamina!