Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Francis Peak

From our house, we can see Francis Peak...

This is what you see when you look at the satellite bally things on the top of the mountain through a big red telescope. (John knows what they are.)

This is the crazy, SCARY, road up the mountain.

This is what happens when you don't take a nap during nap time. I was actually jealous of her ability to sleep through the terrifying drive.

This is the beautiful view once we reached the top.

This is the big red telescope that is now at the top of the mountain.

This is the gorgeous sunset that we were able to witness

And the beautiful moon as seen through the telescope. Awesome picture John! Thanks for giving us such a memorable night!


Katy said...

That's awesome! I am going to take my fam up there some time now!!

Kim said...

WOW! Great pics! I especially love the zonked out one!