Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Draper Temple Openhouse

Yesterday we went to the Draper Temple open house, what a beautiful temple! It was such a wonderful experience to show our children the inside of a temple, and we were surprised at how well behaved they were while we were there (though we can't say so much for the ride home.) Even though it is not dedicated yet, I think that they were able to feel the peace and spirit that comes from being inside the temple. As I was showing Johnny the mirrors in the sealing room and how you can see forever, the thought hit me of what a blessing it is to be a part of an eternal family. I am so thankful for the blessings of the temple and for how it brings perspective to our lives. I hope that our children see what a wonderful place it is, and want to return when they are older to partake in the blessings that can only be found there.
We asked Hannah and Johnny what their favorite parts of the temple were.
Hannah said that she loved the chandelier in the celestial room and Johnny said that he liked the mirrors best. I thought that the hand painted landscape murals in the ordinance rooms were amazing. It was funny as we were going through them, Hannah asked if Bob Ross painted them. (He is the frizzy haired guy who paints on T.V.) Who knows, he could have.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Bob Ross huh? Isn't the Draper temple just gorgeous!! Glad you were all able to go. You should have stopped by, we are right here!