Thursday, October 15, 2009

More fun together

Here are a few more random pictures of some sweet and simple times that have made me happy these past few weeks. John got some humongous wind-up emergency family radios from Woot for his calling (emergency specialist--again) They are almost embarrassingly big compared to what he is used to, but he and the kids had a blast testing them out by communicating from separate rooms in our house. They even came with a handy dandy built in flashlight that is also powered by the wind-up mechanism.
We went to the 3-D movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." It was nothing like the book, which we all absolutely love, but it was still a very fun movie--especially in 3-D. Of course with the large 3-D food storms that happen in the movie, you are bound to get a bit of gross humor about eating way too much and getting sick. Needless to say, I didn't have much of an appetite afterward. It was such a fun family date.

Maddie, has a little friend next door named Easton, and they get along so well together. A few days ago she was outside playing with him when she decided that she needed her work goggles and a hat. No special reason, other than the fact that she wanted to be like Easton.

These "stepping domes" have been an awesome toy for our family, but they are rarely used for their intended purpose. They are great for making spaceman helmets, or to sit in one and spin on the tile floor. Lately the kids have discovered that if they sit in one and put one under each hand and foot, somebody can push them down the hallway at a breakneck speed. They can get going really fast, it is hilarious to watch.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

Great family fun! Thanks for sharing and noticing the little things.