Sunday, October 30, 2011

Those grandmas need to learn some manners

A few weeks ago Maddie, Lucy and I went to Bancroft for a day to visit my mom and bring her to our home to visit for a week.  When we arrived, my mom was still at the church at a D.U.P.  meeting (daughters of the Utah pioneers) she had told me to come to the church when we arrived.  Most of the people who join the D.U.P. organization in the Bancroft area are 60+ years in age, so when we walked into the church Maddie saw all of these women and  happily stated "this is a grandma church." I didn't really take note of what she was saying, I just thought that she meant that this was grandma's church.  Lucy needed to use the restroom, so we immediately walked past the room where the D.U.P. were meeting and headed to the restroom.  Maddie tried out the cooshie rocking chairs in the restroom where moms can nurse and rock their babies.  I noticed a confused look on her face, and then she said "grandmas don't have babies!"  I just answered "no, not usually" and then we left. We decided to just head over to the school playground and play while we waited for her meeting to end.  On our way, Maddie saw that someone had thrown a half eaten apple into a bush just outside of the church.  Maddie laughed and said "those grandmas need to learn some manners."  Finally I understood what she meant with all of her statements about grandmas.  She didn't think that this was just grandma's church, she actually thought that only grandmas went to this church!   I laughed hard then, it is so funny to see the world through the eyes of a five year old.  I still laugh every time I think of how those grandmas needed to learn some manners.

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