Sunday, January 10, 2010

Santa's pen-pals

A few days after Thanksgiving, on the day my mom left for home, Santa left a little note on the pillows of a certain little boy and girl. Coincidence? Of course! They were such beautiful notes, and were written in response to many letters written to him over the past few months. Here are a few of them. They are a little hard to see, but a few of my favorite highlights were:

From Hannah's letter:
..."some new toothpaste" (she could have just told me to put it on the shopping list)
...."If this is too much, write an X in the box.
..."Just give me half of these things if this is too much."

From Johnny's letter:
..."a box of marbles"...
..."and just give me some other stuff."

Click on the pictures to see the letters up close.

1 comment:

Sarah*MK said...

I love the part of Hannah's letter where she asks how old Rudolph is? Now I'm curious...