Sunday, January 10, 2010


On Christmas Eve day, we headed out for the first time to test the awesome sledding hill just "down the road" from our house. It was a perfect day for this, and we all had a ton of fun. Lucy enjoyed it just as much as any of the others, but unfortunately I hadn't thought ahead and bought her snow pants. I had no idea that my little 1 year old would enjoy snow so much. When she watched the others sled down the hill, she reached her arms out and made her little "uh...uh...uh..." sound (translation "I want, I want, I want!") When I asked her if she wanted to try, she nodded her head in her serious and determined way. The first time she went down she laughed HARD. After that, if the sled was being used, she slid down on her bum. Needless to say, Her and I had to head home a little early because her pants were soaked.

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