Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Bit Nit Picky

Is it too early in our relationship to tell you that I am a nit picky mom? Not by
choice, mostly because it is a requirement of having school age children. Those of you who know me know that I am not overly concerned with keeping an immaculate house or yard. My kids find a lot of joy in getting dirty, and I am not one to interrupt the fun--but having little buggies in the hair is where I draw the line. Yesterday one of our neighbors came over and told us that her children, who had come over to play earlier in the week, had head lice. She was very embarrassed, but deserves a medal of honor for telling us. Needless to say that as soon as I picked Hannah and Johnny up from school we did a thorough head check with a fine tooth comb. Luckily, no little bugs, or evidence of bugs, were found. Needless to say, we will be doing bi-weekly checks for the rest of the season, and "Little Miss Flyaway Hair" will be wearing tight braids until this passes.
This is not our first scare with head lice, two years ago there was a little outbreak in the school. Being the paranoid mother I am, I picked up some combs and solution while at the store. I never actually had to use them, but I find that the combs come in very handy for other purposes. I have used them many times to comb the sand out of fine toddler hair. They also work incredibly well for getting paint out of hair. I just slather the painted strand with conditioner, let it sit for a minute and carefully comb it out. It works like a charm.

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