Friday, November 7, 2008

And what a wonderful 9 years it has been

John and I celebrated our 9th Anniversay this week! I feel so lucky to have spent these past 9 years with a person that I love so much.

Why do I love John Loveless? Let me tell you--

He is so willing to put himself "out there" I can always count on him to be the first to strike up a conversation, offer a hand to hold, a hug, a kiss, or a joke to break the ice.

I have never met a man who would actually run to open a door for me before I get to it, he still does.

He can make me laugh until I cry, nobody has ever had this effect on me.

He is passionate about so many things. Always learning and working on new things, I knew that life would never be boring with John around.

It is hard to put a finger on the moment that I really fell in love with John Loveless or the exact reason why. I know that it must have had something to do with the way he made me feel. I have never felt so important, capable, and happy than the times I have spent with Him

Thanks for being such a wonderful husband and dad, John!

We love you!


Heather said...

Congratulations! You are such a cute family!

Kelley Rae said...

Congrats! You two really do make the perfect match!