Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cut me some slack Yosimite Sam, I'm not a real nurse

I'm not sure how many people remember Yosimite Sam from the Bugs Bunny cartoons, but I will never forget him now. He was the nurse who treated Hannah at the emergency room on Halloween night.
After the trunk-or-treat we headed home to change our clothes and unwind from our eventful Halloween night. It was a Friday so we let the kids sleep on the couch bed and watch a movie. I popped in our Corpse Bride DVD and went upstairs to clean up. Soon Hannah was sound asleep, she had been a bit hoarse all day and had been complaining of not feeling very well--but not bad enough to skip out on trick-or-treating. About 30 minutes after falling asleep she woke up gasping for air. Instead of getting better after a few minutes, it started getting worse, and she was really struggling to breathe. I had no idea what was wrong--this had never happened before. John gave her a blessing and we decided to take her to the emergency room. As we were heading out to the car, Hannah started to cry and asked in-between breaths, "If I die, will you bury me?" I was trying to stay calm so I gave her a hug while John and I gave each other worried looks. I just told her, "you won't die, the doctors will know what to do, and they will make you feel better." To make a long story short, Hannah had croup. They gave her some oxygen and some steroids and soon she was bouncing all over the bed. I should have known, my kids have had croup before, the thing that threw me off was that she wasn't really coughing very much, just gasping for air. I have done the steam and cold air in the past, but in the past croup has never effected any of my children so badly. The doctor said that I made a good choice in bringing her in, because croup can be very serious if not treated. The Yosimite Sam nurse wasn't nearly as tactful, he kept telling me how I could have treated this at home. I just nodded, but what I really wanted to tell him was that I can do home remedy's unless my children think they are dying--then it is a little beyond my realm. Luckily Hannah was fine, we went home, and she didn't have to miss out on sleeping on the couch bed that Friday night--that would have been devistating for her:)


Lynch said...

That is so scary!! I'm so glad that everything turned out ok.

Kelley Rae said...

So glad she's okay - and I can't believe the nerve of some physicians, isn't that their job to know what to do?