Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cutie Pa 2--T

Well, we did it, we took the leap and started potty-training Maddie. I have to admit that this is not something that I have been looking forward to. My potty-training confidence was all but shot (and is still suffering greatly) after Johnny. About two weeks ago I picked up some cute little 2T panties for her and today we pulled out the little potty. She looks so cute in her little panties and I was tempted to take a picture to post, but since my blog is public I thought it might be kind of weird. I found this cute picture on the internet just for decoration, you get the idea. Anyway, I armed myself with a timer, paper towels and a full spray bottle of cleaner. I was preparing for the worst, but guess what happened......

...after cleaning up one small accident on our bar stool I sat Maddie on the potty to show her where to go next time. A few minutes later she came downstairs and said "look!" she was holding the little white catcher container and it had sloshing yellow liquid inside! I have never been so surprised, I have heard of children like this only in legends, and would think they were purely mythological if I didn't know their parents. I feel like I am living in a dream, she was playing with Hannah later when I heard "I've got to go potty first." and she went! She keeps forgetting a few key points (such as removing certain pieces of clothing first) so she has ended up being soaked even though she makes it to the potty in time, but hey I'm just happy she knows where to go. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is not all just a really great dream.


WDL 5 said...

We love it all. Thanks for doing this blog. Keep up the good work!

Kim said...

WOW!! That is great! Glad things are going well!