Saturday, June 20, 2009

A new home for the Loveless Cafe

I love seeing pictures of the inside of people's homes. I shouldn't admit that because it shows just how nosy I can be. I love to see how different homes are set up, and it gives me some great decorating ideas. Since we moved in I have realized just how inadequate my decorating abilities are, and I need lots of help--any ideas? This is the view from our bedroom doorway, four bedrooms and a kids bathroom that John and I don't have to use, YAY.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this house has a lot of arches. I counted them today as I was taking pictures. Here is one leading to the master bath.

Another in the master bedroom. (the quality of these pictures isn't that great, sorry.)

Then 5 more that you can see in this picture with one just above the view of the camera. All together that makes eight. The people who built this house really liked arches, and I am beginning to like them too.

Here is a better view of the entry way.

The two doors behind the big arch are the laundry room, leading out to the garage, and a half bath. In the next few years we want to move the T.V. downstairs. It wasn't the center of attention in our last house so we weren't in any hurry to make in look nice. It will probably be a while before it looks nice here, even though it is the center of attention now.

Here is the beautiful view though the back windows, it will be even prettier once we have a yard. You can see our ward building in the middle. Unfortunately, our neighbors all have a beautiful view of us right now too, because we don't have window coverings for these windows yet.

I have a love/hate relationship with the kitchen and dining room. I love the kitchen, but don't quite love the dining room yet. There is no real place for a table, so our temporary solution is to just have the table straddle the carpet and the tile. We are not quite sure what to do with this room, and have thrown around the idea of trying to find more tile that matches or tearing out the carpet and some tile and laying a wood floor. This is where we need ideas. We haven't come to a conclusion about what to do with the couch. It is such a big room that we will probably just leave it here for now, but I am thinking it will probably be a basement couch once we finish a T.V. room down there. In the mean time it is a great place to sit and read to the kids after breakfast. We are in the process of having a computer hutch made for the nook, that should make it flow a little better. Someday, after our kids grow a little more, we will probably do away with our diner furniture, so just imagine it with a beautiful, elegant table and bar stools.

Over all, we feel so grateful to be in this home and feel like it will be a great place to raise our children. It will be fun to see how things evolve in the next few years.


John L said...

Looks Great. Cheryl. Wish I was there. I also wish the phone was working so that I could call you.

Leslie Moseley said...

Love the house. Take your time decorating, I think you'll get a feel for what you need to do. My daughter is great at decorating. I'll show her your kitchen/dining and get her input when she gets back from Cancun on Wednesday.

Kendra said...

Looks like such a fun house. I love the open feel. How far are you from Ogden? We will be there in a few days. If its close enough I would love to come visit. Emial me Kendracannon5(at)gmail

WDL 5 said...

Wow! It looks just like a house we saw on a Sunday afternoon about two weeks ago. Wait. That was your house!

Kelley Rae said...

Oh, I would have such a blast working with a blank canvas, and I would totally help you do it too if I weren't so far away. Good luck, I'm sure whatever you decide will look great!