Friday, September 24, 2010

Some FYI about watermelons

Maybe all of you seasoned gardeners know this, but I didn't. If you pick a watermelon too early, say two months after planting, it will be white in the middle. Kim, I wish that I would have read your post about watermelons before we picked ours. Hannah was so excited when I told her that I would buy her watermelon for 50 dad dollars (equivalent to $5) if she could grow it from seed and sell it to me. That was an expensive mistake I made when I told her that it looked ready. Luckily she has one more watermelon on the vine which we aren't going to pick until it is good and ready. Johnny's garden has supplied us with all of the zucchini and carrots we need and John, Maddie and I are growing tomatoes in our gardens.

Lucy grew some amazing onions this year, good job Lucy! She didn't realize that she grew them, but her favorite past time is watering the gardens.


Val said...

Honestly I didn't think she would even get the watermelon to grow. I always thought watermelon was impossible. Now I know better.

Kim said...

At least we weren't the only ones, sadly. Your's had some pink to it, ours was just WHITE!

Kelley Rae said...

What a great idea to have each child plant their own "garden." Another great idea I'm going to have to steal from you :)