Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Loveless Cafe Thanksgiving

We have really gotten a lot of mileage out of this Loveless Cafe sign that Lisa and Lori (John's sisters) sent to us. They visited the real Loveless Cafe in Nashville Tennessee and gave a sign to us, and a few others in the family, as souvenirs. I thought it was so cool that we decided to theme our kitchen after it, then my e-mail, then my blog. I love having a little diner kitchen with cheap furniture that my children can't destroy, they are really good at that. We were able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner this year as a family in our own little Loveless Cafe. (The picture is a little fuzzy, we were having technical difficulties with the camera.)


Kim said...

Hope you guys had a great time!! And the great thing is, your furniture doesn't look cheap. It's great and goes so well with your theme!

Kelley Rae said...

So brave to do it all by yourself, I don't know what I'd do if I were in charge of Thanksgiving. I love you cafe too!