Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Honest Scrap Award

If I fail to make this interesting, a picture of my kindergarten class might help. I am the shrinking violet in the lower right hand corner. You'll see how this fits in later.
All right Heather, here it is finally, thanks for this tag. By the way, thanks for inspiring Hannah's note, that made my day, I'm so glad she has good primary teachers.

Here goes the tag:It is called the honest scrap award and these are the rules...

A) First list 10 honest things about yourself--and make it interesting even if you have to dig deep.

B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of Honest Scrap

I was painfully shy all through school, K-12, I remember walking home from school one day thinking to myself that I could count the words I said out-loud on one hand. When I went to college I made a huge effort to reach beyond myself and become less shy. It took a lot of work but having 40 roommates (I kept a list of names) all but cured me of that.

I get embarrassed when people ask me if I have a College Degree because it kind of has a hokey name. I have a bachelor's degree in "Enhancing Children's Development through literature". It was a degree made up by my counselor when I told her that I didn't want to be a teacher half way through student teaching. I dropped out of student teaching, took a few art, literature and poetry classes and tada! a new major was created. I am so glad that I took the classes that I took though, they have been so helpful to me in my life.

I am a hypocritical mother. I will run outside in my bare feet to tell my children to put shoes on.

I have a love, hate relationship with my body. I love my eyelashes and my feet, but I would trade them in a heartbeat for my sister's (Kathleen's) thick, beautiful platinum blond hair and the Loveless family behind. I am just barely succeeding in convincing John (after 9 years) that a "curvy" body is a good thing--I am still working on convincing myself.

I played the Alto saxophone in Jr. High and High School. There wasn't an official high school band class, so I played with the Jr. High throughout my high school years, that was a bit humiliating. I loved the Saxophone though and someday want to learn how to play "blues" style.

I really, really, really hate riding horses. They are beautiful creatures and I can fake calmness around them, but inside I am quietly freaking out. Every time I ride one I can't believe that I am putting my life in control of an animal that I hardly know, so much less predictable than a machine. Maybe that's my problem, I have never gotten to know one.

In my life I have permanently disabled and/or totalled 5 vehicles and a boat on a trailer, miraculasly nobody was hurt. I have become much better at driving in the past ten years besides a little fender bender last year. I have pondered many times the insanity of human beings in creating cars, we weren't made to travel at high speeds, were not that indestructible.

I am smarter with my glasses, make-up and clothes on. I just can't think until I am completely ready for the day, so if you see me dropping my kids off at school and I don't look like I have had a chance to get ready--don't ask me any complicated questions.

I laugh when I watch Curious George with my kids, I love that show.

I think it's cute when my babies suck their thumbs--that's hard to admit:/

I'm not sure if my Bancroft friends check in very often or if you have time, but if you do: Kim, Carla, Tanya and Kendra, I tag you!


Sarah*MK said...

I have to say Cheryl, that the one about going outside barefoot to tell your kids to put shoes on cracks me up! I will seriously laugh every time I think about it and when I do it in the future (it's bound to happen right?)
Oh and the one about the saxophone...Clint used to play...he thinks it would be cooler to learn the guitar (he has one) but he used to play saxophone too and I think he loved it way more. So my goal is to get him playing it again so that you two can jam together someday!
Love you and we're hoping to come down to Utah in a couple weeks to see Mom, so maybe we can visit you too!

Leslie Moseley said...

My daughter played saxophone too... I think she wanted to play a manly and tough instrument. lol

Hansen family said...

It's like getting to know you all over again Cheryl!- and you are so funny! You are a beautiful Mom! i think I'm going to have to make your waffles and syrup-we're whole wheat eaters as well.

Val said...

I have a degree that sounds impressive, Pre-law Econamics, but really it was the quickest way to graduate. I hate telling people my degree because they assume I'm really ambitious when really I'm just sick of school.

Rhonda said...

You might have been shy, but your writing is very revealing! How did you have the courage to tell us 10 personal things about yourself? Or the organization to identify them? Guess you had your glasses, make-up and nice clothes on. Thank you so much for sharing. - Rhonda