Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nikki's new do

Our kids treat our cat, Nikki, like royalty... tortured royalty, but royalty still the same. This cat only drinks fresh flowing water. I think that's a little outrageous, but everyone in our family complies to her needs except me. Luckily, I have succeeded in keeping her out of the kitchen sink. The other day Madeline was in the bathroom helping her get a drink of water when I heard laughing. "Oh, sooo cute, look at Nikki!" I went in to find that she had given her a kitty make-over. She had slathered her fur up with lotion and spiked it. Nikki sported the do all day. Sometimes I feel guilty for everything my kids do when I am not watching. Though, on the other hand, if I watched them more closely, I would miss out on this!


Leslie Moseley said...

She looks all lion-y. I'm sure she's about to win Simba's heart!

WDL 5 said...

What a cute thing to do! Cherrish these times!

Sarah*MK said...

That is so adorable! Be grateful she didn't find the scissors! <3 it!