Thursday, April 30, 2009

We ain't afraid of no ghosts!

We had a visit from a real ghost hunter yesterday. Actually, he was the house inspector that our buyers had hired to make sure all was well with our house before they moved in. I'm not sure that they knew he was a ghost hunter. It was only after visiting with him for a little while that he started talking about his ghost hunting experiences. He was a pretty, uh....interesting guy--fun to talk to though. He didn't mention if we had any ghosts in our house, though he didn't bring his ghost hunting gear either:) He did say that John was very thorough and did a great job with fixing up our house. I think his exact words were "over-kill", that's my John for you. He said that this house was one of the better houses that he had inspected (as far as the internal workings go). That's saying a lot for a house that was a hazard in so many ways when we moved in. Great job John!

The day started out with a visit from my two sisters, Marilyn and Valerie. Marilyn had driven in the the night before from Mesa, AZ, and Valerie flew in yesterday morning from Taos, New Mexico to attend women's conference with her. I had such a great time visiting with them, and wished that I could go with them. It just wasn't possible this time, maybe in a year or two. We watched some old movies of my parent's wedding that have been sitting around my Aunt Nita's house for years. It was awesome to see. My parent's were so young, and my grandparents were real people!

Later that evening I went to our enrichment activity/dinner. I was able to taste a very tasty dessert from Africa. My friend, Araik, made it, she is a new member in our ward from Sudan, Africa. It was kind of a sweet, salty mush--I have never tasted anything like it. Delicious, and very filling.

Halfway through the speaker, I got a phone call from John. He was ready to be picked up from the airport. He spent last week in Heidelberg, Germany on a business trip. We are so glad to have him home again. I gathered my flock of kids from the children's class and we headed to the airport. We spent our evening together eating Kinder Eggs, German Chocolate and Gummy bears from the "der shop". We are so glad to have him home again.

I don't think I have ever had so much culture crammed into one day. What a small, diverse world we have.


Sarah*MK said...

That sounds fabulous! Especially the sweets part! I can't wait till Clint and I finally save up to go to all over Great Britain and Italy! Chocolate and Gelato baby!

Leslie Moseley said...

Did John bring home any lederhosen for Johnny?

Cheryl said...

No, but that would have been really cute. I'll have to ask him to get some next time.