Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy, Happy Birthday Hannah dear.

Hannah turned 8 years old on July 9th. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is turning into such a beautiful, fun little girl, and we are so happy to have her in our family. She wanted to to make a white longhaired cat for her birthday cake this year. She had plenty of help making the cake, as you can tell from this picture. After the cake was cut and frosted, I let her go to town with the decorating. She had a ball covering the cake with coconut and hearts. She made the nose out of a melted pink tootsie rool and the eyes out of blue decorating gel and chocolate chips.

She did a great job!

Her favorite gift was a big red "ruby" that Johnny picked up for her at the craft store. She was very excited about that.

*Here is another little piece of trivia. See the purple mouth shaped spot on Hannah's upper arm, she has a matching one on the other side. She is the only girl I know who will be getting baptised with hickies. Luckily they were self inflicted, and we have a long sleeved sweater to put over her dress.

1 comment:

kathyleen said...

Happy Birthday Hannah, and congratulations on being baptized. Your mom is so great that she lets you decorate your own birthday cake. One of my friends said that decorating their own birthday cakes was a the best part of her children's birthdays. I make my kids wait because I like to surprise them with their cake!

Love Aunt Kathleen

p.s. Your cat is purrrrrfect!