Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Little Lucy

Here are a couple of pictures that I have taken of Lucy these past few days. She is really starting to show a little personality of her own. She has very distinct likes and dislikes. She loves squealing with Maddie, tackling Johnny and having Hannah help her walk around the house. She loves cheese and has started spitting out her fruits and vegetables with a disgusted look on her face every time I try to feed them to her. She only likes being touched when it is her idea and will push you away if it is not. She is definitely turning into a toddler and I am curious to see the little girl she will become.


Leslie Moseley said...

Kids don't need toys... see, Lucy has plastic containers, her toes, and food! LOL

WDL 5 said...

What a darling she is!

Kelley Rae said...

I love her lounging in the high chair, what a character!