Monday, July 6, 2009

Our perfectly imperfect 4th of July

Happy birthday America! To celebrate this glorious day, we headed to the Kaysville 4th of July parade around 11:00 last Saturday. As soon as we found a nice spot of grass to sit, a boy started passing out Popsicles. Of course we couldn't pass them up, and they were as good and as sticky as I remember...and it all went downhill from there...(Thanks, Karen, for taking these pictures. We are so glad you came.)

After lunch we headed to a nearby swimming pool for a nice 4th of July swim. Well, John, Hannah, Johnny and Madeline that is--Lucy and I were content to watch.

After dinner, we braved the mosquitos and headed out to light some of our fireworks. Most of them were as entertaining as home fireworks can be, but after a few of them Maddie would say "Borrriiiing." This is the first year that she would remember fireworks of any kind, so I don't think she meant it, I am not even sure she knows what the word means.


Rhonda said...

Those pictures are some you don't often get to see. Thank you for the hard times as well as the wonderful times. The popsycles and swimming look so nice and refreshing.

WDL 5 said...

The melted popcicle on the sidewalk says it all.