Monday, August 24, 2009

A note about Johnny

I wrote a little bit about Johnny's little issues a few posts ago and decided that I had better write about what we had found out. We found out that he doesn't have Celiac, or any allergies. We are happy about that. Our doctor referred us to a pediatric GI specialist who we visited with last week. He gave Johnny a prescription for some migraine medicine for when he has an episode. He told us that it usually helps when given to children with cyclic vomiting. He also drew some more blood to check for enzymes. I am amazed at how well Johnny does with needles! He told the phlebotomist that he was okay her poking him as long as she put a band aid on it right after she finished :) The doctor suggested that we continue with the gluten free diet for the next three months to see if he has any relapses. For the past year he hasn't gone three months without an episode of vomiting and lethargy, so it should be a good test. In between episodes he feels fine, but I started noticing last year how quickly he gets tired and how he just didn't seem to have the energy level of other boys his age. Even his Kindergarten teacher noticed it and asked if there was anything wrong at home, I felt really awful about that. We started re-introducing milk after the allergy tests came back negative, but started noticing his energy level decline again. So we are back on a milk free, gluten free diet for three months. Today is going well, he has had plenty of energy. It was his first day of school, and he came home a little tired, but most first graders do. After a snack he went outside to play with some neighbor boys for about an hour. Later this evening we went swimming and he still had energy to spare at bedtime. We must be doing something right, but we don't know exactly what or why it is making such a difference.


Leslie Moseley said...

I can see good points and bad points to having a kid with no energy. It's so hard to see your little ones poked and proded at all, let alone as much as Johnny has been. Good luck with all of this... hope you get some answers sooner than later.

Christina said...

Cheryl, have you considered taking Johnny to a chiropractor? All health issues go back to the spine, and you'd be amazed at what they can do. I'm taking by baby for colic...and he's cured. Do your research need to find a really good one, and not just a back-cracker. Look for a chiropractor that practices kiniselogy, preferably.

John L said...
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Cheryl said...

I hadn't considered that, but our options are pretty open right now. The milk and gluten free diet seems to be helping so much, I would really like to know why. there is no medical evidence of those things hurting him--other than feeling well. Thanks for the suggestion.

WDL 5 said...

I hope you find answers soon. What ever happens, don't let him get labeled by teachers or friends. He's too smart to be labeled something that he is not!