Thursday, March 12, 2009

She may be cute, but she has the mouth of a sailor.

Remember the old Popeye cartoons? Madeline does.

Today she was playing in the living room with Johnny when I heard her say "Oh my Gosh!" Now there are so many other phrases that could be worse, but out of curiosity I asked Hannah "Do you know where she learned that?" Hannah told me that she learned it from the Popeye cartoon DVD that we have. Then she proceeded to inform me that Popeye doesn't know better for various reasons, one being that he is not a church going man. I am just amazed that Maddie could understand Popeye's mumbling enough to imitate him

This is when Johnny came in, he loves this type of topic. He told me that he has a friend who always says the "W" word. What's the "W" word you ask? It's "What the Heck!" I didn't know whether to laugh or nod seriously in dissaproval when he whispered this to me. I ended up laughing and then nodding as seriously as I could.

Sometimes it's hard to know what to do when you're the mom. Obviously my children haven't heard me use my favorite slang words (pure luck), maybe I should stop using them now.


Leslie Moseley said...

Wow... what a relief! I had something totally different going through my head when I read your title for this post. Aren't kids the best?!

WDL 5 said...

No matter what they say, I think you are doing avery fine job raising your children.

Sarah*MK said...

LOL! Good plan!