Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring...the season of random flower arrangements

I know it is spring when I start to get overloaded with flower (and weed) offerings from my children. I have received more dandelions, blades of grass, little purple and white weed blossoms, and mini daffodils than my heart and house can hold. Though I love the givers, and their gifts make my heart melt I usually find a special spot on the porch to set the grass and dandelions until they gracefully dry out and blow away.
I do love the daffodils though, and I really try to save them for as long as I can.
Maddie found one of the daffodils that I neglected to save yesterday and asked,
"Mom, will you pix the lower?"
translation: "Mom will you fix the flower?"
I had to smile, It reminded me of the part in the movie
It's a Wonderful Life where Zuzu asked her dad,
George Bailey, to paste the petals back on her flower.
I wished that I could fix it for her,
but their are limits even to what a mom can do


Sarah*MK said...

That's so precious!

Kelley Rae said...

Mark's mom used to tell them she was allergic to the yellow flowers. He always thought she just made it up so they would stop giving her dandelions - apparently she wasn't but I thought that was a good excuse to use.