Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of School

Today was the first day of school for Hannah and Johnny. They are both gone for a full day of school now and it seems so quiet around here. Both of them were a little nervous this morning, especially about the bus experience. They did a great job at being brave and I love that the bus stop is just a one yard away and I can see it through our back door. Most of all I love that I don't have to wake Maddie and Lucy up from their naps on short days to pick the them up from school.

They both came back from school in pretty good spirits, and said that they liked their teachers. Tomorrow will be easier--I hope they make good friends.


kathyleen said...

Do you miss them? My children start tomorrow. Today I'm in mourning. I feel like summer is when I get to be a part of their lives not just a director. :(

What do they want to do the last day of summer video games!

Kelley Rae said...

New school, new friends, new teachers, but I have no doubt they will be fine. You have the best kids!

Hansen family said...

Hooray for the bus, I used to debate leaving Noah napping to pick up the girls. Not anymore! :) Your Mom brought cookies over the day we moved in, what a sweet lady!

WDL 5 said...

In no time at al they will be going off to college and then it will get really quiet!