Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Solar Panel Day

For my Anniversary this year, John gave me some solar panels. I love this picture because it shows how happy I was when they arrived.

Actually, I was happy, but we thought that it would be funny for me to pose with "my anniversary present." What husband in his right mind would give his wife solar panels as an anniversary present? That's like the "give your wife a leaf-blower gift faux paux" X 1000. As much as I wanted these panels for my gift, it was a coincidence that they arrived two days before our anniversary. John has been wanting to have solar panels since before we had children, and the day finally came last month. He was absolutely giddy about them.

He installed them himself with his dedicated little helpers.
John has been so excited about these solar panels that he has done something I never thought that he would do, he created a blog! In this blog he gives a more detailed description of what went on from the planning stages of the solar panels to the present. Way to go John! Thanks for being so smart.

To celebrate the first day that our solar panels gave us electricity, I decided to make a solar panel cake. Johnny was my solar panel engineer in this project. I couldn't have done it without him.

1 comment:

kathyleen said...

That is so great! I loved checking out the video and John's blog. Happy Geeking! That picture of Cheryl is priceless!