Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making the basement family friendly

When we first moved in, it was a completely blank slate that held all sorts of possibilities. From the first time he saw it, plans have been brewing in John's mind, and his fingers have been itching to frame it in.

There isn't much that can stop John once he sets his mind on a project. Only weeks after finishing his solar panel project, he was ready to get to work again. This time he decided to start working on the playroom and hallway to our someday-to-be extra rooms, sauna, and bathroom. Sauna? Yes, you heard me right, did I mention that my husband can be a bit eccentric sometimes. He has guaranteed me that I will love it, and he is almost always right. So there you have it, we are going to have a sauna someday.

This will someday be our playroom, I love the angles on the walls. Below is a better view of the wall on the right, we put a little door for a reading room under the stairs. Just add some bookshelves and bean bags and it will be good to go.

As always, the kids were more than eager to help. To keep them busy, John gave them a big cardboard box and a hammer. While he was busy hammering boards, the kids were busy making a Matilda type "chokey". They used about 15 pounds of 16 penny nails. They loved getting into it because it looked so dangerous.

We have yet to find a punishment that Maddie takes seriously.

Despite the tortured look on his face, Johnny loved getting in the chokey and showing everybody how tough he could be.

John did actually let them help a little with real work. Lucy is now an expert at handing boards to John for the cutting process.

Of course, if you are going to do such an important job, you have to wear the appropriate attire. What looks more important than a princess dress, and even princesses protect their ears!


Val said...

I love the pics. Especially the ones of Lucy in her princess dress

Cheryl said...

Valerie, I'm glad you liked that picture, because chances are if these princess dresses are still wearable when Lucy is done with them, we will be passing them on to you.

Kelley Rae said...

How fun to have a blank slate - a Sauna?! Really?! That's awesome!!