Monday, December 20, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas

Getting ready for Christmas this year was quite a task, luckily I have felt tremendous Christmas spirit these past two years. You might remember a Christmas post last year, where I explained that most of my post-marriage Christmases up to that point were overshadowed by infant induced insomnia or morning sickness. The lack of this, and the fact that my children are at the age where they get very excited about it, might explain my love for the season right now. I love the Christmas Advent candles that my neighbor makes, this is the second year that my children have enjoyed burning the candle and counting down the days. Thanks again Katy!

The first order of business was stringing up the lights. On one F.H.E. in November we brought out our L.E.D. Christmas lights and tested them out by stringing them all over the house, down the hall and around all of the beds. We turned off all of the lights in the house and the kids had a great time following the colorful lights through the dark house. The picture below is an example of what happens if you leave our 7 year-old Johnny to his own designs. We laughed at the long plug socket snake that he made coming out of the wall, luckily they were L.E.D. lights and you can safely hook up to 16 light strands together without any problem.

The first real snow of the season happened in November, I am grateful that I was able to get some pictures because our December has been unseasonably warm. I love my two little pink marshmallows, and they love the snow, as you can tell by Lucy's picture. Johnny made an amazing frog complete with bulging eyes, he spent hours in the snow this day.

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