Monday, May 18, 2009

Another un-birthday for Lucy

A few years ago John made a computer program to calculate your age in seconds. Last Wednesday the 13th I got an e-mail from him. This is what it said:

Lucy turned 30,000,000 seconds old yesterday. She also turned 500,000 minutes old.

...and he thought that I was funny for celebrating her half birthday.

In this picture, we are celebrating John's 1 billionth second which happened in August 2007, for me it was another great excuse to make a chocolate cake. He lit the candles in binary code and it caused a small bonfire on one side. He really likes fire. We sure love you John, there is never a dull moment with you around.


Leslie Moseley said...

"A very merry un-birthday to you!"

Val said...

We you know there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who know binary and those who don't. (And those who know enough to get this joke)