Monday, May 18, 2009

Bob bird

On Saturday, Bob was introduced into our family. After breakfast, Hannah and Johnny decided go into the back yard and enjoy the beautiful morning when they noticed a baby robin being chased back and forth underneath the fence. He would run into the neighbors yard, just to be frightened by their little chihuahua, then he would run back into our yard to be terrorized by our cat. The mother robin was frantically chirping on top of the fence. This is where Hannah, our little bird expert decided to step in. She got her gloves on, picked the little bird up and made a nest for him in our apple tree (previously known as our sock tree). Hannah and Johnny promptly named him Bob and spent the morning finding worms for the little guy. His devoted mother also brings him worms and grubs every hour or so. His mother and Hannah are both still devotedly feeding him, even 3 days later. I think that he will be so fat that he will not be able to get off the ground when he does get old enough to fly.


Kim said...

What a sweet little mama she is!

Rhonda said...

we had a similar experience, our cat attacked a little bird, and Christopher Nay saved it. then we let it free, and the cat got it again, and the poor bird died. Hillary was very very sad.

Leslie Moseley said...

What a great adventure! I had butterflies when I was young. I collected the catepillars and kept them in my room as they spun their chrysalis' and emerged weeks later. I fed them sugar water and kept them in a softly padded box when they died. It was sad, and yet kind of funny when they'd fly into my window and crash.

kathyleen said...
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kathyleen said...

What a great mom you are. I've yet to feel compassion enough to allow my children to touch "disease infested" feathers, let alone a whole bird! Anal vs. strong immune system. Mine are proving to be anal and I'm sure yours will have great immune systems (as well as be wonderful adventurers) when they get older. Oh if only I was more like you and our mother! Two amazing people!