Monday, May 18, 2009

An apple a day!

I am starting to wonder if there is any truth to the old phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Maddie ate "twenty-twelve" apples today and she is still sick! She wipes even the most slightly runny nose until it glows red. I had to laugh when she lined her apple slices up so nicely on the table and told me that she ate twenty twelve of them. My older two both knew how to count at least 20 objects by the time they were her age. I have been slacking off quite a bit in the teaching area with my third, but I'm sure she will learn it eventually with my help or not. We sure have fun with this little girl.


Kim said...

Does she like them with PB on them?? She'll end up being one of the smartest in her class!

Leslie Moseley said...

Twenty-twelve. I love it! Fits right in with some of the weird things I say like "ring-finger-toe"