Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another milestone for Lucy

Little Lucy is growing up so fast, where did the last 5 months go? The other day I was playing with her on the couch when I realized that I had never thought to try having her sit up by herself. I remember with Hannah, I would try to get her to sit up at least once a day at this point, and it didn't seem like she could learn fast enough. Well I sat Lucy on the floor and, viola, she did it--no problem, no practice. If only I could have realized as a new mom that acheiving some milestones is inevitable whether we practice or not. I think that I would have been able to enjoy each stage so much more. I am so glad that I was given more chances to make babyhood a happy time without all the worry, I think on the 4th try I am finally getting it right.


Kim said...

YEAH!! I can't believe she's sitting already!

Heather said...

Taking a look from the outside you are a wonderful mom. I try to be like you! I do agree however, that I am much better mom, the more kids I have. So by number 14, I should be a great one! :)