Sunday, October 12, 2008


I don't really know how Tags work because I am new to this whole blog thing, but Jessica said she wanted everyone to do this, and I'm game for anything. Thanks for the idea Jessica!

I am... my own worst critic, and the biggest fan of my husband and children.
I want... to remember what life is like right now, forever.
I wish... I could say the 's' sound without lisping (see previous post)
I hear... babies crying, even when everybody is sleeping soundly
I search...for the one lost shoe, marbles under the oven, missing school papers
I wonder... how long the leaves will stay beautiful and vibrant this fall.
I always... check to see if I have my keys before I lock the doors.
I usually... take a short nap every day
I am not... ready for winter.
I dance... when nobody is watching
I sing... "old McDonald had a farm" to Maddie...over..and...over...and...over
I never...thought I could be as satisfied as I am with being a wife and mother.
I rarely...go an entire day without laughing about something John or the kids have done.
I cry...only when laughing isn't an option.
I am not always...the best at returning phone calls, I'm working on that.
I lose... track of time, often.
I'm confused... about how to tackle daily tasks until I make a list.
I need... to make a list for tomorrow.
I should... Hug my children more.
I dream...of the day when I have time for my hobbies.
I TAG... everyone that is on my buddy list

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