Sunday, October 19, 2008

Huh, who knew...

...that a box of Dixie Cups could be so much fun.

The other day Johnny asked for the box of Dixie cups that I had bought for our bathroom--I accidentally bought the wrong size for our dispenser. That only means one thing, he is going to spend the day building pyramids.

He is getting so good at this, and I am amazed with the patience that he is developing, so much better than just a year ago when he first tried this. Johnny is our little builder, but none of us could resist helping out (or in Maddie's case, knocking them down).

Even Lucy joined in the fun, she thinks Dixie cups are delicious.

Box of 200 Dixie cups $3.25
One entire day of entertainment -- priceless


Heather said...

He has such an old soul! There is something very wise about him. What a cutie and fun for hours, I definitely agree...priceless!

KKR said...

WOW!! Go Johnny, Love your priceless comment!