Monday, May 4, 2009

The things that make me smile

We have year-round school, and Hannah and Johnny have been off track for the past four weeks. We have had some great times together, and a few "I-want-to-wring-your-neck" times too. I love the memories we make when time is not an issue. Here are a some of the moments that have made me smile these past few weeks.

This is Lucy's first extreme hairstyle. Hannah and her friend, Kayla, styled Lucy's hair just before Kayla's mom came to pick her up. The looks her mom gave Lucy while we were talking were classic, we both laughed--how could you not.

We actually had all of the ingredients needed to make a recipe out of our Kinder-Krunchies children's cook book. I love watching these kids gathered around the table working on something they can all enjoy. Hannah has a crusty look on her face because Maddie kept eating the "Moon Munchies" before we had a chance to cook them.

I had to take a picture of John with our Frankenstein Lawn Mower before he put it away. It will probably be a while before he gets to use it again because our next house has no lawn as of yet. John converted this electric lawn mower to a battery operated lawn mower. He wanted to test a few of his electric car parts on the lawn mower before he used them on the real thing. This is what he came up with. Pretty ingenious I thought, the ease and noise level of an electric mower without the hassle of a cord. As you can see we are just maintaining the yard, I hope the future owners of our house don't curse us for the weeds we left for them in the gardens.

Hannah made a "Bird's only--super fun club" She sure loves these birds and showers them with plenty of affection, adorning their cage with only the best tree twigs. She is still putting all of her birthday and tooth fairy money towards a Gray Parrot. We told her that if she saves enough and if she can take good care of these parakeets, then maybe she can buy one when she is twelve. John and I have the hope that she will change her mind before then, but she has had this goal for two years and has not lost her focus yet.

Here are a few pictures of them enjoying our collection of moving boxes, it won't be long before we start filling them up with our less valuable, but necessary, possessions.

When we decided it was time to move, we quickly changed out all of our mismatching doorknobs that came with the house. We had planned on doing this when we remodeled the upper level. That was this year's winter project, had we decided to stay. Hannah and Johnny decided to fill a lazy afternoon making doorknob Robots. They had so much fun creating them and wished that we had more. It is amazing what they find to keep themselves busy. Both of them were a little sad to start school again today.


Heather said...

4 weeks off track was a really long time for us, looks like you had a great time!

Kim said...

Love the idea of door knob robots! How creative!

WDL 5 said...

I think the electric lawn mover is pretty creative, too.

Kelley Rae said...

I think it's so great that your kids play so well with each other. And that you come up with such fun things for them to do. It's no wonder they are so creative!